Tourism Aid Global is a cross-sectorial entity leading its subsidiary organizations across the World with the aim of tackling domestic tourism that facilitates prosperity across the tourism chain, accelerate inclusion and development. We play a crucial role in coordinating and supplementing the efforts of the State Territory Governments, catalyzing private
investment, strengthening promotional and marketing efforts and in providing trained manpower resources.
Tourism as a socio-economic phenomenon comprises the activities and experiences of tourists and stakeholders away from their home environment and serviced by the travel and tourism industry and host destination. The sum total of this activity experience and services can be seen as a tourism product.
To support and accelerate
sustainable and bilateral solutions to
mitigate tourism challenges
confronting countries who are with
tourism development deficit.
Tourism Aid Global will attain a World
go-to organization status, where
governments’ leaders and international
bodies will solicit ideas and partner for
meaningful tourism solutions.
The Tourism Aid Global team has committed our live and work with honesty and sincerity.
We stand behind our word and honor any commitments we make. We are consistent in our
decisions while recognizing that to be fair we must be flexible. We are ethical and respectful
of ourselves and others
We are inclusive. We celebrate multiple approaches and points of view. We believe diversity
drives innovation. So, we are building a culture where difference is valued. We take a
holistic approach. We are always growing our network of people, programs and tools all
designed to help countries and individual grow and manage their careers. We foster both a
top-down and grassroots approach. This gives us the freedom to address the broadest set of
initiatives along the tourism value chain.
Establish partnerships to promote development tourism domestically.
Advocate for our chapters as a travel destination in a variety of international, regional and local forums.
Engage industry experts worldwide in promoting development tourism.
Expand TAG Chapters and increase membership globally.
Provide TAG members with a knowledge base of tourism opportunities to in all
our chapters and sectors.
Develop grassroots training and certification standards through Regional Coordinators in our chapters worldwide.
Foster Continent Diaspora relations.
Provide referral and trade networks to benefit members.